Someone (named deleted) once said that there every boss of a Final Fantasy has been an angel and thus the entire FF series is evil. I'd state their name, but this is so stupid, I won't even bother as he or she has no doubt been ridiculed to no end.
There has only been two of the nine Final Fantasy's have anything even remotely angelic for a final boss.
Here is a list of the final bosses that were angelic in appearance: Kefka of FF6, Sephiroth of FF7.
Here is a list of the final bosses that had nothing to do with holy or unholy power: Chaos of FF1, Emperor of FF2, Cloud of Darkness of FF3, Zeromus of FF4, NeoExdeath of FF5, Ultimecia of FF8, Necros of FF9, Elibis of FFT, King of Darkness of FFMQ. None of the FF bosses is actually an angel. Many would rather be Gods.
Some might say, "Well, actually, doesn't Necros have something to do with holy or unholy?" And those familiar with FF2,3 and 5 might say, "But the Emperor, Cloud of Darkness and NeoExdeath are unholy!". This was pointed out to me by a friend, so I decided to elaborate.
FF 2 - The Emperor was evil. I haven't played FF2 very much, but I do know this: There's evil, then there's UNHOLY.
FF 3 - Cloud of Darkness. Since when has Darkness truly had anything to do with holy or unholy? The snipers who keep our country safe from Dr. Lugae don't call out, "HOLY BEAM OF _LIGHT_!", "BEGONE EVIL SCOURGE OF _DARKNESS_!", or anything else like that when they send a uranium-tipped bullet through his forehead. Besides, the Cloud of Darkness was just a sign of nature balancing itself for another thousand years.
FF 5 - While I'll agree NeoExdeath is a freaking loony, he's not UNHOLY. He's just a crazy guy with a lot of power that happens to want to destroy the universe. That's not unholy, that's stupid. I mean, what the hell would you do after that? There's no internet porn, there's no people to manipulate, there's nothing left to blow up. It would just suck.
FF 9 - Necros is the person who keeps people from leaving the underworld. He can be neither good nor evil. He is neutral.
My question is why this person was so stupid and narrow-minded? Angels have been depicted as being on your side in almost all of the Final Fantasies since they could make a little graphic of a naked-ass cherub patting your character on the head. The Life spell has been connected to angels since at least FF3, maybe earlier. And let us not forget that Aeris (Aerith) of FF7 had numerous Limit Breaks that summoned cherubs.
Perhaps it was because of the origins of many of the names. For example, Tifa's name is actually a part of the sephiroth, which shows the method by which man can attain Godhood. In fact, Tifa or "tiff" is the CENTER of the sephiroth, explaining her last limit break, Final Heaven.
In the end, even if there was any more stuff to insult this person, none of the Final Fantasy's have been accredited with only having one religious connection. Plenty of the games make references to Norse, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and sometimes Russian religions and mythologies. I have to wonder what was in this person's narrow skull that he/she couldn't recognize the symbols.
I apologize if I got anyone's dander up, but if anything bugs me more, it's the constant attacks on my all-time favored series. Final Fantasy was one of TWO RPGs for the Nintendo when I got one, and since Dragon Warrior was the other (a single guy taking on an horde of monsters is JUST a tad silly), I fell in love with it. It wasn't until recently that I've had the chance to finish a lot of those old games, but I still love them all the same.