Quick Explanation: If you're wondering what a Starlight is, in the final season of Sailor Moon, three characters appeared calling themselves 'Starlights'. The controversy around them is this: In the original manga of Sailor Moon, the Starlights were women who changed into men as part of a disguise. In the anime of Sailor Moon, the Starlights were changed into men who changed into women as part of their Senshi form. However, in both manga and anime, the Starlights try to romantically involve themselves to Sailor Moon and crew. So, in the manga, they're lesbians; while in the anime, they're hetereosexual. It's all very confusing. And amusing when you read all those stories where people try to hook Sailor Moon up with one of them. They either ignore or forget the whole gender-swapping thing. Yes, I am an anime fan. A true fan only cares for a good story, not the content! So to all you people who are giving me funny looks, BEEEEEEEEDAAAAAAAH! :p