Chaos RPG

Fusing all the RPGs I've ever played into one comic...

Or at least trying to... - The web's leading source for humor!

Greetings and welcome to yet another webcomic. I'm sure you're sick of that great art and those original plotlines, so here's some shit that I threw together when I was bored. All of it is stolen directly from RPGs and altered to have a different color scheme. If you were expecting any more from a half-assed attempt at comedy, you're sorely mistaken.

This is sudden, but I'm going to be retreating into a "once in a while" pattern for updating. But when I update, there's probably going to be a huge splurge of comics, so be certain to check the archive, which will be updated after this is. In the meantime, check out my mirror site at:

First comic Previous comic
The Archive - In the Archives, you can find the comics sorted by the date that I started the comic. From there, I added a day, but I didn't actually do a comic each day. I did a bunch of comics every so often and I just happened to run up to that particular day. Updated 08/02/01
The Heroes - The guys who are destined to do all the ass-kicking. They're also doomed to hackneyed plots, terrible music and weird attacks with stranger names. Also listed are the current classes available to the heroes. May or may not change, updates are unexpected at the moment.
The Villians - I've got a few in here. Until I create an original image for my own, I'll just list all the villians I've got pictures of.
The Monsters - Not really evil or good, these are the things that our heroes beat up on a regular basis. Added Pirate. When will we see them? I wonder...
The Magic - Ah, the magic. The Limit Breaks, the Summons and everything magical will also be listed here.
The Guests - I plan to pay homage to the people who actually inspired me into doing this as well as the people who make me laugh so hard. Some of this is going to be pure crap or a simple rewriting, but I've got some gems in this mostly empty skull of mine, so I could surprise everyone.
Explanantions - Where did that come from? What inspired this? Who the hell is that? Here's where I got the concepts for most of my stuff and how to run it. Also included, my bitching and ranting... FREE OF CHARGE. Updated 08/02/01 with another Explanation in text.

Got an idea in your head that might make a good comic? E-mail me at with the subject marked "My Comic Idea" or something like that. Don't leave the subject blank or I might delete it along with the offers for free porn, university diplomas and insane rantings from serial spammers. I'll credit you with the comic.

Got an RPG comic of your own, but don't have a place to put it? Right here's just fine. E-mail me at with your comic as well as any explanations you want to add and I'll put it up the Guest section. Read the part about comic ideas and subject lines to insure that I get your comic.
